All players will be able to press 1x unlimitedly without wasting energy. It will be 2x if you have a Silver Pass, 3x if you have a Gold Pass, and 5x if you have a Platinum Pass. Thus, there will be an activity that you can always do in the game.
Since the seasonal level is important in the game, each day the training will be open at certain times and everyone will have the maximum experience points they can get.
Players who doesnt spend money will collect the same experience points just in much longer time.
It will also be possible for the shot go away or to the post. Each shot will have a 5% chance to hit the pole or go out.Since the game will have a defense system instead of a glove system, the goal algorithm will be created accordingly. If your Defense strength is 99, the goalkeeper will have a 99% catch rate
“The fact that players who don't spend money in the game have something to do all the time, that they can organize attacks without spending energy, attracted me a lot and I decided to play Football Mates..”
“When I heard that the game makers were gamers who played similar games and that they had been working professionally in game software for 12 years, I said THIS GAME WILL HOLD and started playing.”
“The cards turn very fast, the team is very interested in the players. A new excitement was needed. I'm very happy to switch to Football Mates”